How the Coaching Program Works

Take a look at how my program works and what benefits you can get by using my techniques. If you have any questions, I’m ready to answer.
Fill Out The Health History Form
To get started, you will need to complete a Health History Form. This form provides me with the background information required to move forward and begin working together.
Fill Out The Health History Form
Review completed Health History Form Together
The first session will review the information provided in the Health History Form. We will review the information together and highlight any imbalances in your life. Health and wellness coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

Make an appointment

Keep an open mind

Be ready to change

Review completed Health History Form Together
The Agreement
A health and wellness coaching contract is an agreement between two parties where the client desires to retain the professional services of the wellness coach

It also establishes each party’s obligations and responsibilities. A coaching agreement sets the tone of the relationship between the coach and the client.
The Agreement
Coaching typically consists of a series of one-on-one sessions between you and your coach and usually last 40 to 60 minutes each. In the first one or two sessions, your coach will go over your goals and intended results.

Complete the Wheel of Life Exercise

Complete a desired list of Goals and Outcomes

Important! All your inquiries, decisions and topics that we discuss at the meetings are always confidential!

I`ll Answer Any of Your Questions

A few more things that you might find interesting about me…
What is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach?

An Integrative Nutrition Health Coach is a trained professional who works with individuals to help them achieve their health and wellness goals through a holistic and personalized approach. This type of health coach combines elements of nutrition, lifestyle, and overall well-being to create a comprehensive plan tailored to the individual’s needs.

Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches are not medical professionals, and they do not diagnose or treat medical conditions. Instead, they work alongside other healthcare providers to support their clients in making positive changes to their overall well-being.

  • Holistic Approach: They take into account not only the person’s dietary choices but also other aspects of their life, such as stress levels, physical activity, sleep patterns, relationships, and emotional well-being. The goal is to address the person as a whole rather than just focusing on one specific aspect of health.
  • Personalization: Every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches tailor their recommendations to suit the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of their clients.
  • Non-Dogmatic: These coaches avoid rigid, one-size-fits-all approaches to nutrition and health. Instead, they consider various dietary theories and lifestyle practices, allowing clients to discover what works best for them.
  • Education and Support: Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches educate and empower their clients to make informed choices about their health. They provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the client’s wellness journey.
  • Goal Setting: Clients work with the health coach to set realistic and achievable health and wellness goals. The coach helps them create actionable steps to reach these goals.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches focus on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than short-term fixes. They encourage clients to adopt healthier habits that they can maintain over the long term.
  • Accountability: Coaches help clients stay accountable to their goals by providing regular check-ins, feedback, and encouragement.
  • Greater energy, embodiment, and presence.
  • Personalized diet and lifestyle changes.
  • Accountability and action steps to complete each week.
  • A deeper understanding of why you keep repeating the same patterns.
  • Mental strength to work with difficult emotions and stress.
  • Transformation in how you feel about yourself.
  • Collaboration and connection with your body.
  • Tools to manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
  • Confidence in yourself and your ability to craft your own destiny.
  • Strategies for overcoming roadblocks and obstacles that arise due to unforeseen stressors.
  • Support. Support. And more support.
  • I do not diagnose or treat specific medical conditions.
  • I do not prescribe drugs or pills.
  • I do not treat mental illness.

As a  health & wellness coach…

  • I do work with people who are trying to achieve optimal health, wellbeing, and balance through better lifestyle choices.
  • I do help you create an action plan that helps you change your behavior in some area of your life.
  • I do work together with doctors, psychotherapists, and healthcare providers to give you appropriate wrap-around care.
  • I do support you in building internal strengths and external resources for making sustainable shifts in your life.